Connecting Elixir to Salesforce (Part 1)
Most of the time we are connecting to Salesforce via an Elixir API server written in Phoenix that receives requests from a Vue.js front-end to send to or retrieve data from Salesforce.
A collection of 8 posts
Most of the time we are connecting to Salesforce via an Elixir API server written in Phoenix that receives requests from a Vue.js front-end to send to or retrieve data from Salesforce.
Elixir + Kubernetes, an awesome combination for any software deployment. Why isn't everyone using it?
Software is hard. Writing good software is harder. We all know that code should be easy to read, but often times simplifying one area might increase complexity in another. We've seen
This post is geared toward Elixir, but the principles apply just about anywhere.
Elixir unit testing is fantastic, especially with the recently-added colored diff messages, but often it can get cumbersome to compare collections of Ecto models.
When building a web application there is almost always some form of a database being utilized to persist the application's data.