The Elixir/Kubernetes Synergy
Elixir + Kubernetes, an awesome combination for any software deployment. Why isn't everyone using it?
Multi-purpose developer that can build for iOS, Android, and Web. I spend my free time doing crazy things like exploring storm drains and spinning fire.
Elixir + Kubernetes, an awesome combination for any software deployment. Why isn't everyone using it?
Software is hard. Writing good software is harder. We all know that code should be easy to read, but often times simplifying one area might increase complexity in another. We've seen
Pigeon is the most popular Elixir push notification library for iOS and Android. This is Part 1 in a series of tips on using the package more effectively, written by its author, Henry Popp.
Disclaimer: Following the advice of this post does not mean abandoning supervisors entirely and rolling your own solution every time.
tldr; now you can feel like you're writing in Ruby again
This post is geared toward Elixir, but the principles apply just about anywhere.